About the Institute

Antipode’s 9th Institute for the Geographies of Justice (IGJ) will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,

traditional homelands of the Dakota people

June 3rd to June 7th, 2024

Social reproduction is squarely on the scholarly agenda in the wake of multiple and intersecting social, economic and ecological crises. Struggles over social reproduction reveal tensions between status quo survival and radical transformation, between extending racialized, gendered hierarchies of capitalist value and disrupting them to manifest a world otherwise. Radical geography has long centered space and place at the heart of these tensions. As a deeply contingent geographical process, social reproduction materializes in neglected, disinvested and toxic landscapes; in household strategies to navigate financialization and mounting debt; and in ever expanding technologies to appropriate the unpaid labor of life itself.

Antipode’s 9th Institute for the Geographies of Justice (IGJ) will provide an opportunity to engage theoretical, methodological, and practical issues related to research and scholar-activism on social reproduction. This workshop is specifically designed to meet the needs of early career researchers over the course of five full days. The program will include plenaries and fora for debate as well as practical sessions such as strategies of writing and representation, publishing and engaging with diverse audiences within and outside academia, embracing ethical translations and engagements with interpretive communities outside the academy, and more.

This IGJ builds on the rich tradition of past Antipode IGJs: Athens, Georgia (2007), Manchester, UK (2009), Athens, Georgia (2011), Durban, South Africa (2013), Johannesburg, South Africa (2015), Montréal, Québec, Canada (2017), Mexico City, Mexico (2019), and Barcelona, Spain (2022). The 9th IGJ will offer participants an opportunity to share insights, strategies, and approaches; to learn from one another and from our plenary contributors and local faculty; and to deepen our collective engagement with social reproduction from a range of radical geography perspectives. Past institutes have proven especially valuable to early career scholars interested in building a network of peers and colleagues with shared commitments to radical scholarship and politics. Activities over the course of the five-day institute will include panels, training and skills modules, and a field trip. New to this year’s IGJ, participants will have the opportunity to contribute a paper, chapter, or a part thereof, to be workshopped by fellow participants, plenary speakers, and local faculty.

The institute is co-hosted by the University of Minnesota’s Department of Geography, Environment and Society and will make the most of its location in Minneapolis by featuring participation from a range of UMN faculty as well as field trips to the places where UMN faculty have ongoing collaborations with communities.

Invited faculty fellows at the 2024 IGJ will be:

Kiran Asher
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Beverley Mullings
Geography and Planning
University of Toronto

Kendra Strauss
Labour Studies Program and the SFU Morgan Centre for Labour Research
Simon Fraser University

Bradley Wilson
Geology and Geography and the WVU Center for Resilient Communities
West Virginia University

Faculty contributors from the University of Minnesota will include Adam Bledsoe, Bruce Braun, Madelaine Cahuas, Vinay Gidwani, Richa Nagar and Arun Saldanha.

The organizers of the meeting are:

Kate Derickson
Geography, Environment and Society
University of Minnesota

Marion Werner
University at Buffalo, SUNY

Who is Eligible and How to Apply?

The Institute for the Geographies of Justice is open to doctoral students nearing completion, postdoctoral researchers, and recently appointed junior faculty (within 3 years of appointment).

The Institute’s participation fee will be $200 for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and $350 for faculty. This fee will include your lodging on campus for the week, including breakfast.

See here for info about past IGJs: https://antipodeonline.org/institute-for-the-geographies-of-justice/past-institutes/

All those wishing to attend the IGJ must complete an application form by January 31st, 2024. Application forms can be downloaded here.

Please submit your application by uploading it here.

Limited travel funds will be made available for some participants through the financial support of the Antipode Foundation. Other financial support for the IGJ is also being provided by the Antipode Foundation.

For questions or further inquiries, contact Marion Werner.